about my work

I am a visual artist, experimenting with materials to explore recurring themes in an abstract way. I often deconstruct and reassemble materials, creating work that embodies the dynamic interplay between spontaneity and intent. Exploring composition using the addition or subtraction of shapes, spaces and textures, I aim to introduce order, pulling the parts together to create cohesion within each piece. I’m interested in repetition as both an aesthetic and a process with mark making forming the basis for many of these explorations.

My practice also involves community engagement. I have collaborated with various
organisations in Scotland to deliver creative workshops, with a focus on supporting mental health and well-being through art.

I am particularly interested in neurodiversity within the arts. I am currently dedicating time to reflection and research, aiming to deepen my understanding of both my own strengths and challenges, as well as those of others. Through this process, I aim to foster new connections and build supportive communities.

about me

I grew up on the East coast of Scotland near Edinburgh. After graduating in Jewellery Design and Metalwork at Edinburgh College of Art in 1996, I spent a year studying at the Royal College of Art in London.

Following on from this, I moved to France where I raised a family and grew my practice. After living in France for 15 years I returned to Scotland in 2018 and I now work from a studio in the beautiful Scottish Borders.

During my undergraduate degree in metal work I was introduced to printmaking and it has been part of my practice ever since. In recent years I have expanded my printmaking skills with the support of two Visual Art & Craft maker Awards. My craft training continues to inform the way I work today, driving a desire to explore materials and push their boundaries.



2024 ‘Hope/Dochas’ Members show, Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh

2024 ‘Neuk Perspectives’ Group Exhibition, WASPS Patriot Hall Gallery, Edinburgh

2024 ‘By Leaves We Live’ Group Exhibition, National Trust For Scotland – Priorwood Gardens, Melrose

2024 – Visual Arts & Crafts maker Award, funded by Creative Scotland

2022 – Visual Arts & Crafts maker Award, funded by Creative Scotland